Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Rusty or not?

Deciding between keeping a foster dog you love and letting that dog go (to a successful adoption) has become the subject of excruciating debate for me. I introduced Rusty on this blog a while ago and quit posting anything about him here because I created a separate blog for him, but anyone reading that blog would know I just love him. So does Zoe.

Since Zoe has never really loved anyone but me, seeing her play with Rusty is just amazing. I wonder if she'd ever accept another playmate as she has Rusty.

Zoe liked Bailey, but Bailey tolerated anything. It was not a mutual camaraderie. Zoe and Rusty are actual playmates. Of course Zoe wears the pants - which makes said friendship even more adorable to watch - but they both very obviously enjoy each other's company.

If I keep Rusty I can't foster any more dogs as I can only comfortably and appropriately care for two - and there are SO many homeless pets out there desperately in need of a temporary place to land.

But Zoe and I genuinely love Rusty and he honestly seems to return the sentiment.

What to do?!


TinyRockerGrrl said...

I say keep him! He's wonderful and would be a great addition to your family!

CBM said...

i understand...tough call. i say keep him too!

Malena said...

I say yay to Rusty!

abby's mom said...

Hard Call! There are many needy dogs out there, who are just looking for a wonderful foster mom! Only you know what to do!