As of Friday April 13th I am the proud owner of a 2010 Kia Soul and I LOVE it! The photo attached here is a stock photo - mine actually has "privacy glass" (mild tinting) and came loaded with some fine features (bluetooth, upgraded safety, etc).
I do miss my CR-V but I'm a happy girl. It's surely nice to not have to pull up my "power" windows by hand; to not have to double-click the locking mechanism on the glove box every time I want it to close; to actually have power locks and an alarm; and an integrated ipod connection is pretty darn sweet!

Gas mileage thus far is on target despite the trips being almost completely limited to "city" driving - I don't do a great deal of "highway" driving anymore. Lucas and Zoe also completely approve of the new ride (this is an important fact).
I remember way back when I first brought home my beloved Honda CR-V - how I noticed an increasing number of them on the roads - and I'm noticing the same thing now with the Soul. It's a great car and I can also highly recommend Fred Anderson Toyota in this pitch. I got a great deal and an even more amazing deal on an extended warranty. Check them out if you're in the market for a new car:
Fred Anderson Toyota.