Monday, February 27, 2012

One Day - on film

I read One Day last September and was so absorbed in the story but just never got around to making the trip to the theater to see the film. Bad reviews didn't help to push me in that direction, and I almost never go to the movies anyway, but I'm happy to say that my dear friend Jenni invited me over to watch it tonight.

Perhaps the nay-sayers didn't read the book, didn't identify with Emma or Dexter, or maybe just couldn't get passed the bad fashion and odd frame of Jim Sturgess, but I really enjoyed the movie. Just like the book, it brought up memories from my past - both happy and tragically sad - but being reminded of those times are what makes me the person I am so bring it on.

Anne Hathaway's English accent was quite charming and I've never seen Patricia Clarkson in a role I didn't like so those are two definite pluses. On the negative side I didn't find Jim Sturgess remotely likable, but I suppose that is fitting since I didn't really feel a great deal of empathy for Dexter's character when I read the book. He's really a cad to tell you the truth.

My most favorite parts of the book (the ones that made me laugh my ass off) were not presented well on film, but the story for the most part was very true to the novel. I'm now looking forward to seeing Like Crazy which I know will require some kleenex (One Day did not - at least for me).

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