Monday, November 22, 2010

Frigid Terrier

I am beyond cheap when it comes to heating my home, but I've recently noticed my tiny terrier shivering regularly. Therefore I dug out Zoe's many sweaters. Some of them I knitted myself, some of them I purchased. This pink one was purchased at PetSmart. Zoe doesn't love wearing "clothes," but when she is wearing a sweater there is a noticeable lack of a doggie "chill".


CBM said...

i love it! winnie sleeps in a snuggie b/c it is so cold at our house!

Malena said...

So cute! She needs little ear muffs and booties too - get to work Mama!

I've started putting a blanket on my big guy at night too.

Jane said...

Preciously pink! Hee Hee!