Friday, May 18, 2012

Been a while!

I've been very preoccupied lately with Zoe's health, Oliver's care, and travel. I know I have very few readers so I don't feel that bad about my hiatus - haha!
The good news: Zoe is doing well - very well. She's seizure-free, keeping food down and acting like her normal bitchy self.

The bad news: Oliver's future is up in the air. I'm trying to be optimistic, but it is a hard thing to do.

Oliver is a WONDERFUL dog and deserves nothing less than the most loving home. I wish I could give it to him myself but I've already got my hands full and I would never regret adopting Lucas.

I'm trying to keep a positive outlook in favor of my sweet Oliver. I want nothing more than for him to find a loving caregiver. Should he find one said person(s) will be the luckiest pet owner(s) in Durham!

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