Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend recap: Puppy breath tops

Puppy breath should be bottled and sold. I can't get enough of it.

I went to Charlotte to visit my long-ago roommate Kile, and a few days before I was supposed to arrive she informed me that a puppy was waiting to meet me.

Her name is Rose (Rose Petal in fact, as named by her 5-year-old owner, Charlotte) and she's a Cavachon (King Charles Spaniel and Bichon Frise mix).

Look at that puppy belly! And trust me, it's a bloated one. Rose is a butterball. Aside from her razor sharp teeth - which are prone to gnashing - Rosie (I like the nickname, courtesy of Max) is an angel.

Rose made Zoe look like a beast! I tried to estimate Rosie's weight by holding Zoe in one hand and Rosie in the other, but my powers are limited. I would guess that Rosie is about 3 pounds, and she is adjusting to her new home very well.

Kile and I enjoyed catching up - and reminiscing of course - and the weekend weather couldn't have been better. We spent Friday evening outside on her patio while the dogs enthusiastically engaged in some pretty intense romping.

One of the most ridiculous topics of conversation regarded Zoe's never-ending peeing. Zoe is a "marker." She wants/has to pee on any area where another dog has urinated. Since Kile has three dogs, her yard was ground zero for Zoe's "marking" tendencies. We honestly watched Zoe pee at least 10 times per two-minute intervals more than once. I'm glad Kile thought it was funny. I was mildly embarrassed.

Another beautiful sunny Charlotte Saturday was followed by a rather dismal Sunday - on and off rain kept both the kids and the dogs indoors. Such a situation was not entirely unwelcome after the ridiculously late-ending previous night.

Somehow Kile and I ended up on the topic of the Twilight Saga - she'd recently watched the first film on pay-per-view - so we ended up watching New Moon (the 2nd time for me, the first time for her).

I saw New Moon in the theater and thought it was a terrible movie, but surprisingly on the second viewing I didn't think it was all bad. Don't get me wrong, I still laughed out loud on several occasions that I can't imagine were meant to be funny, but I admit I wasn't appalled. And by the way, Kile said she liked it.

The far more valuable perk of the weekend was Brent - Kile's husband. He's a tornado. He never stops moving, entertaining, cooking, cleaning, pleasing. He always takes care of me. Thanks for indulging us girls Brent!

Back at home...

When I arrived at Kerry's to get Bailey, she gave me some slightly disturbing news. Apparently Bailey's physical capabilities don't extend beyond a 1/4 mile walk.

Robert's (K's husband) stoic response to my reaction to this news was, "He (Bailey) better not die here!" And Rob sincerely means that because he knows that the loss of Bailey will destroy me.

Said supposed loss is what lead Robert out in the rain with Emma in tow during one of Bailey's many houdini escapades. Both Rob and Kerry have cared for, searched for and found Bailey more than most would ever bother. They are my dog-sitter guardians!

But my boy is getting old. I hope everyone will think good thoughts so that he might live a while longer - so long as it's relatively pain-free!


abby's mom said...

Oh my gosh, that puppy is so cute!!! I love me some puppy breath! I hope Bailey is hanging in there. You will not be the only one who is miserable when Bailey moves on to the Rainbow Bridge!! So is this dog walk still on? Call me!

Jane said...

Three divine pleasures:
1. Puppies
2. Their breath
3. Their bellies

Nail on the head T!