Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So you think you want naturally curly hair

I inherited naturally curly hair from my father. Now, when I say naturally curly, I should clarify that when left to its own devices my hair is larger than Buckwheat. Evidence can be seen at this post. I do in fact have a photo of the most embarrassing example of said afro somewhere but I can't find it just now. It was posted on my office door - in full color - for over two years before we moved to different digs.

My mother's hair is slightly wavy but of course my brother got all of mom's genes, and he practically shaves his head. So unfair.

Throughout my entire life I've listened to people telling me, "you should wear your hair curly! You're so lucky!" Ummmm. NO. I'd like to remind those people who don't live in Arizona or some other desert climate that having naturally curly hair SUCKS.

For instance, one night last summer I was completely jealous of my niece, who has beautiful light brown STRAIGHT hair. We were at an outdoor restaurant at Holden Beach, where I had to wear a hat to tame my unruly locks. She was 7. She would've looked much more adorable in my hat at her age, but I'm the one with hair that tends toward dreadlocks.

Actually, I spent my entire spring break at the age of 22 with a hat on my head in Jamaica for the same reason. My fashion statement likely did NOT catch on: cocktail dress with baseball cap and ponytail bun.

People always want what they don't have, but I'd seriously be willing to bet a year's salary that anyone with my hair would strongly wish they didn't have it.

I remember one ridiculous instance in particular (as no one believes the extreme curliness of my hair). When I went to Iceland in 2004 I was too cheap to purchase a power converter, so I was unable to completely straighten my hair (I have since been quite successful with only a hair dryer and a round brush, but at the time my hair was MUCH longer).

So when I arrived at dinner on our first night, several of my colleagues asked me if I'd gotten a perm. The smart-ass in me couldn't resist the following response, "Yes, I touched down here in Reykjavik a few hours ago and getting a perm was my first order of business."

Those with straight hair should cherish it - at least you CAN perm it. Getting kinky hair chemically straightened is far more difficult - yes, I've tried and failed. What I wouldn't give for a wash-n-go frizz-free do!


samantha said...

You always did hate rain and humidity. But I must say you've perfected the art of getting that kinky hair straight!

CBM said...

i love your hair!