Monday, August 16, 2010

Magic Time

This book was a Christmas gift from my dad several years ago, and having heard nothing about it, it was shelved for future perusal. I tried to pawn it off on a friend whom I'm not sure tried to read the book at all, but she labeled it "unreadable." The book then landed on the "read only if nothing else is available list" until I sent it to my father.

Dad read it and really liked it. He said he struggled through the first 60 pages or so - but when he passed it on to my mom she said she was hooked from the beginning - as was I. (After my mom and I both voiced our inability to understand how someone could not be drawn into this book, my Dad said he thinks his reluctance was born by my warnings of an "unreadable" story).

I hesitate to compare the plot of this book to film, as it really isn't the same story, but I definitely kept thinking about "A Time to Kill" while I read this book.

The story takes place in more than one time-frame, and the root of the problem easily crosses over decades.

Class. Race. Religion. Belief. Integrity. Family.

Read more about Magic Time here. I LOVED this book.

1 comment:

Malena said...

Yay - another book review, love it! Will look for it at the library.

Also, thank you for your sweet FB comments.