Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Heavy Show

I watched the first episode of Heavy on A&E last night (via DVR) and all I can say is oh my. Wow.

The 5'9" male subject - who is my age - weighed 638 pounds before his 6 month ass-kicking. The 5'6" female subject - also my age (and height by the way) - weighed 363 pounds. Her motivation to lose weight? The mini stroke she had shortly before agreeing to participate on Heavy.

I admit my complete shock at how much these two had let themselves go (in the episode Tom is seen ordering 6 junior double cheeseburgers and 3 orders of spicy nuggets, presumably for himself), but I also admit to being inspired and impressed by their level of commitment to making a true life change - a change necessary to save both of their lives.

There were ups and downs. There was whining and crying. But ultimately I found myself cheering for Jodi and Tom's success, and genuinely bummed when they met road blocks.

I'm hoping there will be updates available at some point like the ones they have for subjects from Intervention.

Heavy was somewhat hard to watch, but intriguing enough to have me rewinding and reviewing many parts. Just like they advertised, it's not a show where there are prizes or eliminations. It's just people trying to save themselves from themselves and their food addictions. I will keep watching.


carolinagirl said...

Wow. I haven't heard about this show. Amazing. I love transformations.

Jane said...
