Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Calling all angels for Casey

My brother's dog, Casey (a Shetland Sheepdog), hasn't been well. He's relatively young (8 1/2 years old I think), but he's been on meds for high blood pressure and kidney issues for a while now. He is apparently in the late stages of kidney failure from what I understand at this point.

Casey's parents have been keeping him in and out of the vet, on fluids, etc, for a couple of weeks. As for his "normal behavior" I loved my mom's email stating that Casey looks pretty ill, but that when she arrived at Todd's house, "Casey still walked over and barked at me."

Aww Casey. He will apparently never completely warm to Grammy and Fuzzpa. I'm happy to say his barking at me weakened long ago.

I never imagined that my brother would be going through this before me since Bailey is much older than Casey, but that's how the ball bounces. It all sucks in any circumstance.

Casey's hanging on. Send him love. He needs and deserves it!


TinyRockerGrrl said...

I love that he is smiling for the camera. He's such a pretty little guy! Definitely sending tons of x's and o's his way. Tammy Faye still has her paws crossed!!

Kathy said...

Hugs and kisses from me and lots of snuggles - teeth gritting - from Bianca. We struggled with Kitty's failing kidneys and high blood pressure for 2 years - including 2x/week subcutaneous fluids at home. It's amazing how those fluids can perk them up. Kitty, bless her soul, sends good thoughts Casey's way. She says even though she's in heaven, one more dog up there would be a little too much for her. :-)

carolinagirl said...

sending hugs and prayers for casey as well as t, m and a! they've been through it lately. holding out some hope here.

CBM said...

winnie is sending doggie love from chapel hill.

Jane said...

I'm crossing fingers. Henry's crossing paws. xo

samantha said...

Oh no Casey! Hang in there. That is so sad - I know he is VERY loved. We'll be thinking of him from up north!

matt said...

Hoping Casey pulls through - and that he's not in pain in the mean time.

abby's mom said...

Thanks for all the wonderful thoughts!!! Casey is holding his own...enjoying the chicken and extras we are giving him, but also started eating some dog food too! Like Tracey said, he still barks if the doorbell rings, or we dare to open the blinds and he will follow me around in the morning while I eat my bagel!! Our sweet Casey!! Thanks for the prayers!!! Keep them coming!