Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hot man in a box

How bad could this movie be? Seriously. It's Ryan Reynolds in a pine box, and only Ryan Reynolds for 95 minutes. Whew.

In all seriousness and lust aside, I enjoyed Buried. Throughout the film I found myself identifying with the strangest things. For example, I'm a bit of a rager - meaning that when I get really frustrated or angry I completely lose it. Screaming, kicking, punching...all which never brings relief. Paul (Ryan Reynolds) does the same thing, yet when he finally gathers his cool he is able to make me laugh. For example, when someone asks him "if they don't get the 5 million what will happen?" He calmly replies, "They'll take me to Sea World...What do you think?"

One would think that watching a guy (even a HOT guy) tool around a pine coffin for 95 minutes might prove to be extremely boring, but I was fascinated.

The way the film was shot lent a great deal to expressing the urgency and desperation felt by the main (only) character. There were conversations where each point made my Paul was pronounced by a tighter view from the camera - until you're finally right on top of his face, realizing along with him how dire his situation is.

The tag lines are very appropriate: 170,000 square miles of desert. 90 minutes of Oxygen. No way out.

Paul Conroy Isn't Ready To Die.

If you hate Ryan Reynolds, maybe skip it (who does?!) - but honestly I found it to be a very well-made film. Taut, suspenseful and artfully directed.

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