Thursday, February 24, 2011

No more plastic bags!

Just like Faye Dunaway in Mommy Dearest feels about wire hangers, I try to keep plastic bags out of my house.

A good friend of mine gave me the bag below for Christmas and it (and the others I've ordered since) have helped me to cut down my plastic bag accumulation by more than two-thirds. The bag is the long-handled mini maxi by Reisenthel.

I now also own the above pattern in green and purple. I've purchased several others as gifts - some already given - but I still have some that I may or may not keep for myself. They hold more than most grocery store plastic bags and are super strong, too. Since they come in their own zipper case (when the bag is in the case the whole package is a just a bit smaller in length and width than a checkbook) I can carry one or two in my purse, and my purse isn't very big!

I bought a few of a different style from a seller on Amazon, but I prefer the long-handled mini maxi and found them reasonably priced at They donate 1% of their sales to environmental causes, and both of my orders came with a coupon for a future purchase.

I have many other reusable bags, but I always forget to take them with me when going on a shopping trip. With one of these always in my glove compartment and one or two in my purse I have no excuse to NOT be green!

1 comment:

CBM said...

i love the one you gave me and use it often. thanks again!