Wednesday, February 16, 2011

So bad, but so good

Most people close to me know that I am completely smitten with Kip Pardue. I even dragged my pregnant best friend to the midnight premiere of The Wizard of Gore in Los Angeles hoping to see him there. I was devastated by his absence and disgusted by Bijou Phillips' attendance.

Anyway, he's not in many movies (of course I've seen them all) so when I saw Stag Night available at my heart skipped a beat. I reserved it immediately (completely unnecessary I'm sure). Expecting a complete bomb, I was pleasantly surprised, and I'm pretty sure genuine gore freaks would love it.

There's eye candy for guys, too, as Vinessa Shaw (3:10 to Yuma, The Hills Have Eyes) is a stunner. Seriously.

There are cannibals and dark tunnels and lots of severed body parts. If that's not your thing, don't rent this one. While gore isn't my fave, I found this movie delightfully entertaining - and it's only about 90 minutes long to boot. There is also a genuinely heart-tugging scene about half way through that I was NOT expecting at all.

Not necessarily for serious-minded movie goers, but definitely a delight for those of us who are willing to throw reality to the wind and enjoy a good yarn.

1 comment:

Jane said...

Kevin Ian Pardue. Yes. We've all planned your marriage. HAHA :) xo