Friday, February 11, 2011

The original PA revisited

Somewhat like The Sixth Sense which I saw in the theater and hated, I've come to not hate the original Paranormal Activity as much as I did at first. I still can't stand the main characters: Katie's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard and Micha is pretty much an ignorant asshole.

After loving PA 2 as much as I do, I felt it necessary to give the original a second chance so I set out to view it with a clean slate in mind.

I continue to find the 2nd film far superior to the 1st. I don't understand the critics that disagree. I want to muzzle Katie and bitch slap Micah. If the writers would've taken out at least half of the ridiculous bickering I might not still somewhat hate the original movie.

I admit that after paying extremely precise attention to many of the scenes I was genuinely skeeved. Creepy factor good. Still hate the people.

I know it's not fair to snap-judge things, but the original Paranormal Activity remains in my mind, pretty much a dud.

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