Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keep life delicious

Lean Cuisine began a promotion on January 1, 2011 which offered dedicated customers the ability to earn a "red carpet" lunch bag. I eat one of those lean cuisines almost every day so I knew I could earn one quickly and I did. I ordered my chosen bag, pictured below, on January 28th and was pleasantly surprised to receive it in the mail on February 19th.

I've continued to enter codes on their web site because they promise to launch a new "loyalty program" after the end of the lunch bag promo. If you're a Lean Cuisiner, start collecting those codes!


carolinagirl said...

I eat one of these or a Smart Ones every day that I work as well, but I have NEVER even noticed that offer. Cute bag.

CBM said...

guess i better switch from smart ones to lean cisine to get that cute bag. :)