Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Support Unchain Dogs please!

I won't be able to participate in the Great Human Race this Saturday because I'll be taking Nala, my foster dog to an adopt-a-thon in Cary. But, The Coalition to Unchain Dogs is so close to their goal ($30,000: the amount that would provide 60 dogs with an exam/vaccination appointment, spay/neuter and a fence to free them from a painful chain). As of 10:30 pm 3-22-11, donations for Unchaindogs is 29,115.00.

If you go to youtube.com and search for "The Coalition to Unchain Dogs," you will find a ton of videos that prove what an amazing volunteer effort UCD is.

If you are able, please go to http://www.active.com/donate/ghr2011/cud2011 to make a donation. As a new volunteer, I can attest that the feeling of freeing a dog from a chain is amazing. Overwhelming. Inspiring. And that power stemmed from a handful of very determined animal advocates. Wonderful!

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