Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Town

I rented this from redbox on Monday night, but the disk wouldn't play after about 40 minutes so I ended up buying it on pay-per-view. Smart choice since Time Warner Cable offers the extended cut (unedited, 2 hrs 30 min) for the same price as the theatrical version.

I really enjoyed this movie - even on an extended time frame. In fact, I found the extra scenes quite helpful in resolving the plot in my mind. I particularly enjoyed revisiting Ben Affleck's "BAHSTAN" accent from Good Will Hunting. I'm sure it's real and that he's just learned to speak differently since. I mean really - most talented actors are able to fake a realistic foreign accent - who's to know which one is real? (Must remove Penelope Cruz from consideration here).

While I have no problem watching 90+ minutes of Affleck on the screen, I feel he has a knack for directing, and it seems this role is where he plans to dig his heels in - at least for now. According to his cast from The Town he's quite good at both acting and directing, so in my opinion his future should be pretty bright.

Jeremy Renner and Blake Lively were fantastic - each depicted a Charlestown local to a tee - down to the accent and attitude. I'm not saying I've ever been to Charlestown, or that I even know anyone from there, but the information available to me confirms that the entire cast did a great job in bringing a genuine sense of the local atmosphere to the screen.

Small gripe: didn't love Rebecca Hall as Claire. I loved the character of Claire (her dedication to charity, tendency towards the lighter side of horrible situations and genuine concern for others in her personal stratosphere), but Hall came off as flat to me. I really wanted to like her, but I just didn't believe that she became Claire in the film. In the end I didn't care about her at all.

So as not to give away anything I'll just say that yes, HER CHARACTER made a gracious gift - but Rebecca Hall did nothing to make that act more powerful had it been given by a nameless Bart on anyone's street corner. I'm sure some might blame the director for that caveat, but her performance as a whole leads me to find fault on her shoulders.

Nevertheless, I found The Town to be a wonderful film - realistic, dramatic and powerful - and carried through by a very talented cast and director.


Mary said...

I agree - very good movie. My favorite part was the chase through the North End - if you've ever been to that part of Boston and know how tiny and tight those streets are, it's absolutely amazing to watch!

CBM said...

ditto-very good flick!