Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gotti gets a fence

This is 22-week old Gotti - likely a pit/boxer mix. This morning we (Coalition to Unchain Dogs) built a fence at his house for him and the three other dogs that live there: Kilo, Coco and Jada.

Gotti was by far the feistiest. We all kept kidding that he is the trouble-maker because he's the only boy in the bunch. All four of the dogs were very friendly and seemed quite pleased with their new digs.

Watching the dogs run free after the fences are complete is the greatest reward and keeps me going back for more every week.


Jane said...

Holy cutie pie - and he is one! I'm jealous!

CBM said...

i love what you are doing for these doggies!

samantha said...

Mr. Underbite he is - such a cutie!