Saturday, April 9, 2011

Kid's movie night

Best kid's movie ever - I LOVE Monsters Inc. I have my own copy - that and Corpse Bride, which comes in at a close second.

Abby spent the night with me Friday night - and let me just say that she is the most horrible person to share a bed with ever. She kicked me at least twice, slapped me with her arm once, and hogged the comforter - and the bed - all night. Of course I love her, but I'll think twice before volunteering to share my bed with her again.

Nevertheless, we giggled through the whole movie - rewinding our favorite parts - and genuinely enjoying each other's company. Wish I could see that sweet kid more often - just not in my bed!

1 comment:

carolinagirl said...

We LOVE Monsters Inc too!!! Great movie. All of my kids kick. Ugh