Monday, March 26, 2012

My athlete has left the building

Due to unfortunate circumstances I haven't done an "organized" workout in about 4 months, yet I weigh less than I have since I was 21. Anyone suspect serious muscle loss? Ding ding ding! Yet I seem to never lose my shapely triceps.

At approximately 5'6" and barely north of 110 pounds, I'm a bit thin.

Anyway, I've been biking a lot lately and it is seriously pathetic. We're talking non-deserved heart-pounding, mouth gaping open exhaustion under the most minor hilly circumstances. Who would ever believe I used to swim 4-7 miles a day, could outrun most males my age and bench press more than my physical weight?!

This gumby-girl is determined to make more of an iron-woman out of herself in the next several months.

Knowing myself all to well, the progress will be slow, but I'll take slow over nothing any day.

1 comment:

TinyRockerGrrl said...

haha I LOVE the title... gumby-girl.