Wednesday, January 27, 2010

24 predictions, etc.

24 Opening season thoughts/predictions inspired by comments to yesterday's post: (slight spoilers? I don't think of them so, but who knows these days)

1. Suspected bad guy: John Boyd (Arlo Glass) vs. Paul Wesley (Stephen, Kim's husband/boyfriend). I think Wesley is officially out of the running considering IMDB has him listed in only 2 eps of Day 8, and he's too busy trying to be a poor man's Robert Pattinson in "The Vampire Diaries." Arlo is listed in 24 eps in 2010. Bring on the bad boy.

2. Cuthbert (Kim) is also not expected to return (I am basing this on IMDB schedules that do not include Wesley or Cuthbert in episodes beyond the season premiere). Not a huge loss. While she is a beautiful girl, after season 2 she never added a great deal to the plot.

3. Since this is likely the final season, we're gonna see some major players lose their lives. No real guesses yet, but Chloe, Renee, or even Jack wouldn't surprise me at all. We can all hope it might be Hastings, and soon.

4. Looks like we're stuck with Dana don't call me Jenny for the duration. She's credited in 24 eps. I feel a bit mean saying this so early in the season, but my first thought is "Boo hiss."

If this is truly the end of 24, Nip/Tuck and LOST- as has been predicted and reported - then all I have to say is, "Please, someone, bring me something worth my time - and no more reality show crap for the love of all that is holy!"


CBM said...

it will be a sad day in our house when LOST ends...

糖果 said...
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