Saturday, January 2, 2010

Tar Heel Bunny

Here's the first UNC Tar Heel bunny. Since Easter is in April, I used ribbon around the neck rather than a scarf. I've got several others in the works, some white, some brown like the one pictured here. Some might sport scarves, some might have no neckwear, I never really decide on that stuff until I'm actually finishing off each bunny/bear.

Some of you have asked about variations on the pattern (boy bunnies, different animals, etc). As I am not a master of knitting, I'm pretty much limited to the items I've shared so far.

While it would probably be fun to experiment with different ideas, I honestly just don't have the patience for that. If I happen upon established patterns that could be adapted to the bunny/bear design, I will certainly try them out, but I'm not going to make myself crazy trying to come up with endlessly varying patterns!

It would be cool if I could somehow knit "UNC" or a Tar Heel on the front of the bunny sweater, but again, my lack of patience and knitting mastery prevents that possibility, too. Wonder if I could fashion a makeshift pom-pom out of ribbon?

I'm sure there will be Tar Heel bears made, too. If any of my fellow Tar Heel fans would like a bunny or bear of their own just let me know! GO HEELS!


samantha said...

Me me me! I want one!

CBM said...

yay trace! very cute!! i love it! go tarheels!