Sunday, October 3, 2010

Heels over Pirates

It was a great victory for the Heels yesterday - a perfect end to a perfect tailgating day.

We wound up being parked right next to one of Maria's friends, and her son and Abby entertained each other all afternoon. Lucas was quite the cornhole fan. He was actually really good at it, and VERY enthusiastic when he did well. High fives were in abundance.

Abby took this picture of her parents all by herself.

Abby hogged the binoculars for most of the game, except for when she shared with the five-year-old boy next to me (Theo). It took a while, but Theo eventually warmed up to us and kept me in stitches. Wish I had a pic because he was adorable!


CBM said...

yah heels! great pics!

samantha said...

I agree with CBM - Great pics! And I know the weather was absolutely perfect. Glad you had fun!!!