Thursday, February 24, 2011

Newest member of the family

I introduced him as Brownie on January 31st, but this little guy is now a permanent member of my brother's family. Name change pending. They're trying to come up with a UNC-inspired name, and trust me, all the obvious ones have already been thrown out there.

Let me know if you have any suggestions beyond the following: Roy, Tyler, TJ, Ramsey. Other names they like, but that I'm not partial to are: Humphrey; Joey (have a friend with that dog's name); Max (ditto); Obie. I mentioned Opie - like the yellow dog from Garfield.

I can't wait to meet him!


CBM said...

he is a sweet heart. i'll try and think of a name or two...

Jane said...

Holy balls! What a cutie! Love his sleepy eyes.

samantha said...

Criminally sweet!!

LA and BD said...

He is so cute! What about Franklin, for Franklin St? Or Kenan for Kenan stadium?

Mary said...

Super cute! I actually like Franklin - that's a good suggestion. Or how about Hubert? Fabulous name.

Kathy said...

ODIE was Garfield's dog. We call Bianca that when she's begging b/c she does the Odie dance. You are getting as bad as me about names, Missy. He's an adorable baby - I guess "Tarheel" is a little too obvious huh?