Thursday, May 5, 2011

Poop Nazis - so tired of them

In my experience, I am one of the only people in my neighborhood (and surrounding areas) who picks up my dogs' poop. In my foster dog Rusty's case, I usually leave it until we're on our way back home so that A) I don't have to carry a bag of poop for 2 miles; and B) it has a chance to harden a bit for easier pick up.

This morning as Rusty left his load (NOT in anyone's yard as I would never hesitate to immediately pick up poop deposited on someone's private property), a man yelled at me from his car, "You're not going to pick that up?!"

Despite what I wanted to say, I just showed him my bag stash (which was in plain view) and said, "I'll get it on my way back, thanks." He gave me a nod, which made me want to run into the street and sock him.

I have been blamed for piles of poop in so many places now that I can't count. I'm SO tired of it. I even pay extra for 100% biodegradable bags so that I can environmentally dispose of my animals' poop.

I guess the point here is that the next time you step in a pile of dog poo, you should think twice before you blame the nearest dog owner - even if it was in their yard.

1 comment:

Jane said...

What I want to suggest, although I know it's entirely inappropriate, is for you to follow the example of the kids in Disturbia. Bag some poop and place it on your accusers' doorsteps (only those who are accusing you without merit). Childish - yes; but to be accused of "poop-littering" when one is crazy responsible about picking it up is beyond annoying. You are far more mature than I, so I know you won't follow my advice, but I will daydream about it anyway - ha ha.