Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Beware sweet, minty balm

I bought a new eos smooth sphere last week - sweet mint. It's probably my favorite flavor thus far, though my inner sun-savvy self knows the lemon sphere is better for my lips as it's the only one that contains SPF.

The sweet mint scent is pretty strong, even when the sphere is closed - which became apparent when I left it unattended on the coffee table the other day. I came downstairs to find Rusty clutching the sphere between his paws, desperately biting at the plastic shell. He looked up at me as if to say, "What?! Do you blame me? It smells so good!" It completely reminded me of my post from May 2nd.

Mr. Rusty is lucky he couldn't breach the plastic orb because I would have been far more upset if he'd eaten my new lip balm!

1 comment:

CBM said...

rusty wanted minty fresh doggie breath!