Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Awesome gum

I bought my huge 60-piece pack of Orbit White Bubblemint gum on a whim several weeks ago. I'm not a big gum-chewer, but said gum was on sale and in my face. In fact, it was the only flavor available in the 60-piece container. Now I know why the "non-candy" aisles are advertised in grocery stores.

Last Friday the Bubblemint revolution unintentionally began.

I'd just popped a few pieces in my mouth when my friend Mike came over to my desk and said, "are you eating candy over here or something? I can smell it!"

After partaking of said yummy gum, Mike then passed around the deliciousness by visiting other co-workers who were instantly curious about the lovely scent emanating from his bubblemint-flavored mouth.

That Bubblemint is some damn good gum. Four stars - superior breath-freshening!

1 comment:

carolinagirl said...

i'll have to try this...maybe JC and T should keep this is the office too! hahaha!!!!