Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Friends Forever

Despite the cheesy title, I can confidently give this book an enthusiastic two thumbs up. I laughed out loud often and found the story engaging and heartbreakingly honest.

The plot of the story can be summarized as that of two best friends who find, sadly, that their lives beyond the age of 14 are completely irreconcilable.

Most of the novel, told in the first-person narrative by the central character, Addie Downs, takes place in the present day (likely around 2005 for these characters).

But the history began with nine-year-old Addie, who thought she'd never find a true friend, yet was blessed when Val and her mom moved into the house across the street. The two girls became inseparable - meaning that Val became a surrogate fixture at the Downs' dining room table; Val became a stow-away guest at the neighborhood pool; and to Addie's sheer delight, Addie became a guest in the seemingly carefree existence of Val and her mother.

The present-day story involves a crime scene at the girls' high school reunion, which strangely brings the girls together, rocketing back to days they'd rather forget with loads of secretive history to boot. The "crime" isn't one to be easily solved, nor is the damage done to Addie and Val's long-since broken friendship.

I loved Good in Bed by the same author. Great stuff. For info on Best Friends Forever at Amazon, see here.

This book reminded me how lucky I am to have one of the most genuine souls in the world as my dearest friend - Kerry. You are so loved and appreciated! XOXO


Jane said...

Great friends forever - indeed!

hsantosk said...

I loved this book as well. I had to cave and buy it, but I'm not sad that I did. I'm sure my friends will enjoy benefitting from my inability to wait for paperback and/or library availability.
I'm curious as to how you got it on reserve so easily?

LA and BD said...

I took this book to the beach with me this year. It was the perfect "beach read." I really enjoy Jennifer Weiner's books; I usually laugh out loud at them.

Kerry Burleigh said...

Thank you! And I am so lucky that, even after we were 12 (the glory days), you continued to include me in your life! can't wait to read this one too. i also liked Good in Bed a lot.