Monday, August 10, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggety-jog

When I was a little girl my mom said, "Home again, home again, jiggety-jog" upon each return home. I always loved hearing her say that.

My sister Maria said it the other night when we returned from shopping at the Tanger outlets and it brought back a lot of memories so I had to mention it.

Indeed I am home again, and quite sad that our annual beach week is over. In Abby's words, "it was our best beach week yet!"

Fuzzpa's new "instant ice cream maker" was a hit. Todd was the blender-king, whipping up exotic smoothies daily. Watermelon, cantaloupe, blueberries, strawberries, bananas and even carrots made it into the mix. My favorite was the peanut butter ice cream - good thing there was a recipe for that since somehow more than 72 ounces of fresh peanut butter made its way with us to Holden Beach.

Abby and Todd did a fair bit of body boarding. They're a great team and Abby has an absolute blast riding the waves.

In true shell-obsessed fashion, Maria and I ventured out early Monday evening (August 3rd) hoping to find some prize shells. We found none, but the rest of the Glazeners found their way down to the beach to check on our progress.

Below: Todd, Maria and Abby by the pier. I am certain Todd is taller than he claims to be. 6'1" isn't short, but by golly I swear he teeters above that, and teetering is the most accurate description of him at this point.

The photos below were taken at Provisions - our favorite local Holden Beach eatery. We usually dine there at least twice during our week in town.

I managed to avoid using the facilities at Provisions until this year. The sign above the lavatory door might suggest my avoidance.

Facilities were far more pleasant than I anticipated, but I still plan to do my best in the future to avoid the necessity of "4U2PN."

Moving on - Grammy, me, Abby:

Grammy and Abby:

Abby and Daddy (a.k.a. brother Todd). I love this photo:

Todd and Maria (I love this photo, too!):

Abby and Fuzzpa:

I'm proud to say I gave Abby that little green hat that reads, "Let it Ripple." She was adorable in that cap.

Abby noticed on Saturday that I was wearing a shirt just like one she owns. Below we're pictured wearing our twin t-shirts.

I'm already looking forward to beach week 2010!


Jane said...

Glad you're back! The family looks great :) xoxo

samantha said...

Abby is growing up so fast, and she's still absolutely adorable! Looks like you guys had fun. Miss you!