Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Girl Who Played With Fire

Stieg Larsson's follow-up to The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was a good read. However, unlike many reviewers of both books, I preferred the first book.

The Girl who Played with Fire was, for me, quite a bit different. In "Fire" there were far more characters, spread across/between numerous factions/organizations. Dozens of Swedish/German/Russian names made for a slightly difficult plot to follow.

Confusion tended to prevail, so "Fire" became very convoluted.

Read more about The Girl who Played with Fire here.

Readers of "Tattoo" will be enlightened a bit by "Fire" in that they will discover Lisbeth Salander's history and why she's become the person she is.

"The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest", the third book in the trilogy, should be available in the U.S. in the next year or so and I'm looking forward to it.

It's certainly a tragedy that Mr. Larsson died just after completing the manuscripts for this trilogy. I truly believe Lisbeth Salander could've become a prominent heroine in popular fiction had Larsson not left this world so prematurely. He died in 2004 at the age of 50.

1 comment:

Kerry Burleigh said...

I am reading this now! LOVED the first one!