Monday, September 21, 2009

Puppy update pics

I drove to Winston-Salem yesterday for a brief visit for Abby's 8th birthday party. I will post photos from the party later, but for now I give you photos of an adorable puppy. This is the same puppy I first wrote about on August 26th. He is such a handsome boy, complete with dreamy puppy breath. I swear if puppy breath could be bottled I'd pay a hefty price for its essence. My two dogs can only offer stinky port-a-potty breath at this stage in their lives.

Abby did her best to hold puppy still for mug shots. Note: Puppy is the only name Mr. adorable has been given. I agree with Todd & Maria on this - better to not name "Puppy" when they're not expecting to keep him.

Puppy in the crate - he was in the midst of a whining, crying fit when I snapped this photo.

I remain in awe of my brother and his family for caring so well for the homeless dogs that have crossed their paths. "Puppy" is the second dog in less than four months that they have taken in and cared for as if to be their own pet.

Maria told me that Abby recently said to her, "But I think puppy thinks we're his family now, so won't he be confused if we give him away?"

I think Abby is right and that puppy will be confused, but when he finds his forever home he'll figure it all out and I'm sure he'll be "happy puppy" from that day on.


samantha said...

Puppy is adorable - I hope he finds his forever home very soon. Wish I could take him myself!

Kerry Burleigh said...

So cute! Maybe they'll trade with us for Emma, the demon dog!