Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Farewell Casey

It's been a hard few weeks for the Glazeners. My brother's dog, Casey, died this morning in Todd's car on the way to the vet. He would've been 9-years-old in December. He was diagnosed with kidney disease and high blood pressure a couple of years ago and he just decided it was time to let go.

The photo posted here was taken at Holden Beach last summer. Casey and Zoe have both accompanied us all on our family beach week since 2005. With beach week coming up in just a few weeks, it's hard to think of Casey not being there with us!

Casey had a personality and a half. He howled when he got lonely - even if only separated from his family by a door. He barked frantically any time someone adjusted the blinds on the windows because he learned as a puppy that this signaled visitors at his house. He obediently stopped and sat by the road whenever a car approached. Maria instilled that behavior in Casey after their first Sheltie, Bernie, was hit and killed by a car. If I happened to drop his leash while walking him, he'd stop and turn around and look at it, then me, and then sit and wait for me to pick it up before continuing on his walk. He would eat just about anything he could get his little paws or jaws on, but he had a very patient "begging face." He drank water slower than any dog I've ever seen, which usually meant Bailey would polish it off and leave Casey sitting by his bowl barking for a refill. Most of all, he was fiercely loyal to his humans, and I know they will miss him dearly, as will the rest of us who knew him well.

RIP Caseydog - you are loved!


Jane said...

Henry and I are sending lots of hugs and love to you and your brother's family. Casey was such a pretty dog! He certainly sounds like he was a unique boy. xo

abby's mom said...

Well said! Thanks for always taking such good care of Casey and putting up with his "Caseyisms". You are right Casey and Bailey will both be truly missed!!

carolinagirl said...

very sweet post. casey is surely no longer suffering! i know he is running and jumping and having a great time.

samantha said...

Oh Casey. So sad. I hope Abby is faring well. Please relay my condolences to your brother's family.

TinyRockerGrrl said...

Sending lots of love to you and your family. Casey was SO pretty! I'm sure Bailey is taking very good care of him. <3

CBM said...

bailey and casey are happy together. sending love to you from the bunn/mason family.