Sunday, July 4, 2010

Peter Jackson's non-documentary

District 9

I had no idea what this film was about and had never cared to investigate it for potential viewing until a friend of mine told me she thought it was pretty good.

What starts out as some sort of horrible joke of a film about an alien race forced to exist in a man-made slum in South Africa quickly becomes an intense, emotionally-charged depiction of many conflicted countries/races/religions today.

I found the plot to be a little like Independence Day meets 28 Days Later meets Resident Evil: Apocalypse with a touch of Transformers. Nevertheless, by the end I was affected.

I put my hand over my mouth in a gesture of awe more than once.

I truly feel the movie benefited from a cast of unknowns. Sharlto Copley played the protagonist so well. I don't think anyone else could've done it justice.

So as not to ruin/spoil the story, I'll leave it to any interested readers to investigate/rent themselves.

I began viewing this movie with a great deal of negativity and ended it with a huge helping of humble pie. Haters hate if you will, but I really liked this movie.


matt said...
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matt said...

Great flick!

samantha said...

I loved this movie. Thought-provoking. Good pick.