Friday, July 2, 2010

Patriot bears make the news

Not really. But my mom forwarded the Downtown Arts District of Winston-Salem's e-letter to me last night, which featured a picture of my little patriot bears.

So cheesy, but so cute: "Hand-crafted items are food for the soul! and we're glad you're still finding that special something with us! (See how happy we look - we can bearly stand it!)"

My mom is a member of Fiber Company. Her work can be viewed on the Carolina Designer Craftsmen web site.


CBM said...

AWESOME! You go girl!

abby's mom said...

So cool!!!! You are famous!!!

Jane said...

These are too cute. Thank you for sending me one! He's hanging by my front door right now :)

SMA said...

You're famous! Or at least your adorable bears are..