Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Laughing Cow trivia

I adore The Laughing Cow cheese wedges and Babybel cheeses, so when I saw The Laughing Cow Gourmet Cheese Bites on sale at my local Kroger I picked up a couple of packages.

These are basically just tiny individually-wrapped "bites" of TLC wedges. Each pack contains 25 bites; 5 bites per serving. They're great when you just want a little taste of yum. But it wasn't until this evening that I realized the wrappers are lined with little snippets of trivia - so clever.

Here are the bits of knowledge I opened up with my cheese tonight (as well as the two wrappers I plucked from the trash from last night's cheese snack):

♥ You will never see a right-handed polar bear; they are all lefties.

♥ New York City's Empire State Building has 400 windows.

♥ Beer making requires 1/10 of the 7 million tons of rice grown in the U.S. each year.

♥ It takes just 1 ostrich egg to make 11.5 omelets.

♥ The only mammal that can fly is the bat.

♥ The penny is the only U.S. coin bearing a right-facing profile.

♥ New Zealand women were the first in the world to be allowed to vote.

Did anyone already know any or all of these little facts?


Jane said...

I knew 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7. I have no idea why. Maybe I'm the nerd whisperer? ;)

CBM said...

very cool. i will have to pick up some! i love the wedges and babybel too! i only new the one about the bat.

Malena said...

Aaah, I will have to share the polar bear fact and the bat fact with my little animal lovers!