Sunday, September 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!

Dear Abby,

Happy 9th birthday my love! Since the day I met you you've been an incredible light in my life and I know I'm lucky to be a part of yours.

I watched you grow up alongside my precious Bailey, who you treated like a real brother. I know you loved him as he loved you.

I've also discovered, by watching you and hearing about you from your parents and grandparents, that you are a phenomenal little girl. Your heart is so big and your selfless nature sets you apart from most children your age and beyond.

I am so proud of you and proud to be your Auntie. We have so many more memories and birthdays to share!

I will always love you!! xo


samantha said...

Happy Birthday Abby!!!

CBM said...

what a beautiful letter! HB to A!

Jane said...

Happy 9th Abby! Your Auntie adores you.