Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lazy alligator

The lazy alligator throne always belonged to Bailey. I'm sure he wasn't the first to do so, but my friend Jim coined the phrase for Bailey and me. The first time he saw Bailey in full-stretch he yelled, "Awesome lazy alligator!"

I've never seen another dog stretch out as thoroughly and strategically as Bailey did on a daily basis. Gosh I miss my sweet elkhound!

But here we have Zoe in her standard "relaxed" position. She looks like a frog - short legs splayed behind her little butt, front legs stretched out. I think she does a pretty good lazy alligator given her short tiny body!


TinyRockerGrrl said...

In the first picture, the way Zoe's hair is makes it look like she's wearing spectacles!! I love it! And I love her!!

CBM said...

love me some zoe!

Jane said...

TinyRockerGrrl's comment is hilarious - and very accurate!

Malena said...

So cute! Love the glasses!
My little Japanese Chin does the same thing on the cool kitchen floor.