Friday, August 22, 2008


A friend of mine coined this term for Facebook and it stuck. Whether or not it is a jab at MySpace, I don't know, and I don't care. MyFace just sounds funnier, especially when it is unintended. You see, one of my great old friends and I reconnected through FB and I met her for dinner soon afterward while on a visit home to Winston-Salem. I was trying to tell her about some of the other people I've found, but I couldn't stop saying MyFace instead of Facebook - even when I was trying my hardest to use the true name. We laughed our heads off.

Of course I have since discovered that there is an actual - another social networking site - but I'm still going to refer to FB as MyFace!

Truth be told, I have found many very old, very dear friends via MyFace. Friends I thought I might never hear from again. Friends for whom I have searched for years. I should thank my friend Blair, since she's the one who asked me to sign up. I've known about MF for years, but was never interested in using it. Now I wish I'd signed up long ago!

I'm going to a Durham Bulls game tomorrow night with an old swimming friend, and I'm planning to go visit an old roommate and a great friend from high school in September. I spoke to the latter on the phone for about 3 1/2 hours last night, and now I'm beyond insanely excited to see her in person!

So, for all of you who aren't MyFacer's yet, I encourage you to sign up. It is ridiculously addictive at first, but once you've been on it for a couple of weeks or so, you will gradually get your life back and hopefully have a bunch of new "old" friends to boot!

1 comment:

jill said...

T, I've been saying MyFace ever since I saw you. It was so funny I just couldn't resist. I think you've started something because everyone is saying it now. So hilarious! Happy Tuesday! jill