Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Quote of the day, with a shout out to LAF

"As soon as the doctor said, 'You've got cancer,' I said, 'Hey wait a second, I've got trials.'"

-Eric Shanteau, 2008 Olympic swimmer, upon hearing that he has testicular cancer

But as we know, Eric did go to trials and he made the USA Olympic swim team. He didn't make the finals in his event, but his courage to race has given hope and inspiration to everyone touched by cancer. After some hard news this past year, I was also inspired by Eric to join the Lance Armstrong Foundation and I wear my LIVESTRONG wristband with pride.

LAF appealed to me because it is an organization that is not specific to one type of cancer. Yes, we all know Lance Armstrong conquered testicular cancer, but his organization fights for and supports anyone stricken by cancer of any kind, type or diagnosis. I encourage everyone to view the LAF manifesto video.

I should have some LIVESTRONG wristbands available soon, so if anyone is interested in one ($1 each) let me know. Here's to hoping Eric wows us all in 2012 in London, but most importantly that he wins his battle against cancer.

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