Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Anonymous Mail

While I'm certain I am opening up a regrettable can of worms with this post, I can't seem to help myself.

I received an anonymous letter on Tuesday regarding a post on my blog from FEBRUARY. The "letter" (an unsigned, typed admonishment/complaint) was sent via an official government envelope, which I gather is illegal, but whatever.

I don't know who sent it - although I have my ideas. The following are my thoughts thus far, which I must admit (maybe the person who sent the envelope will be pleased) occupied an annoyingly large chunk of my day Tuesday:

1. I am only identifiable in that post by revealing my last name and the name of my assistant. My blog is for the most part unidentifiable: my username is an acronym and I've never mentioned my place of business by name;

2. Only those with access to our onsite directory - which provides information regarding my mail drop - could've sent it, meaning the sender was a colleague. (Or a colleague in very close proximity, which is my assumption);

3. The cause for complaint (references to certain names, not meant in any way to be disparaging - here I'd say to the "letter" writer, "Please get a sense of humor.") is ridiculous. I consulted with several colleagues who immediately agreed with my assessment. Not to mention that you'd probably have to be on page 50 of some google search to come across my blog in reference to any one of those names;

4. Lastly, on the off chance that the "letter" writer reads this, please know that "anonymous" mail is not looked on kindly by me. If something offends you, or you believe it reasonably offends someone else, please discuss such matters with me, to my face (I say this because I am certain such discussion in this case was possible). Had that approach been taken in the first place, I might have felt obliged to take some type of action (removing or editing the post). In light of how this was handled instead, I am not.

I have been working in my present occupation for several years and I think I am very good at my job. I have the utmost respect for the publication for which I work and the people who ardently contribute to it day in and day out. I truly hope that whoever sent me that "letter" doesn't know me very well, or is at the very least humorless.

I should mention that many of the people I deal with on a daily basis - "clients" and co-workers - enjoy my sense of humor - even at their own expense.

In closing, I'd like to quote one of my favorite co-workers, "You'd think someone could've been brave enough to sign their name!"


Jeni said...
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samantha said...

You MUST inform me if you find out who sent you the anonymous mail. How annoying and purely cowardly!!! I feel your GRRRRRRR. xoxo

TinyRockerGrrl said...

It was me. You only THINK I find your posts humorous but I am quite pissed to the off.
