Thursday, July 16, 2009

Holden Beach on the Horizon

The Glazener family vacation to Holden Beach is rapidly approaching and I find myself giddy with excitement. The photo pictured left was taken by my sister last year as we ventured out at the ass-crack of dawn to troll for olive shells - which we'd become obsessed with over our week-long stay.

Finding an olive was like finding a $20 bill free and clear. We couldn't stop searching for them, right up through our last morning last year.

We'd even begun tracking the tides in order to pinpoint prime olive-shelling. (I should feel embarrassed at that admission, but I just don't).

I have every confidence that the olive-shelling frenzy will pick right up where it left off last August, as well as regular seagull feedings, boogie boarding sessions and lots of beach combing. Abby is the cutest true surfer-girl to grace any beach, so I always look forward to spending a day in the sun with her.

Here's to all the book reading, sunbathing, relaxing and OLIVE SHELL DISCOVERY to come very soon. Can't wait to spend time with all you Glazeners! xoxo


samantha said...

I'm excited for you! You are due a vacation for sure. Looking forward to seeing photos of pro-surfer girl!

abby's mom said...

Only 3 days to go!! I bet I find the first one, the gauntlet is thrown!!!