Wednesday, July 8, 2009

LLBean is TOPS

Yes, the LLBean store in Maine is opened 24/7/365. Yes, satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Yes I used to live down the street from the store. So yes, I and my family are huge fans of LLBean.

I give you one of many cases in point in the following: I received a clock from my mom for Christmas either 2006 or 2007. The clock recently failed to keep time: the second hand would consistently tick back for a few seconds every now and then, leaving the time as dreadfully inaccurate.

I called LLBean service in June 2009 and was instructed to print a return label via my online account (which provided UPS return service free of charge) and ship my item back to LLBean for either an exchange or a refund.

I requested a replacement item (the same clock) which I am pleased to report is presently on its way to me as I type. Seriously, LLBean rocks! Their customer service is out of this world.

I encourage shopping there!

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