Friday, October 30, 2009

The canine patient

Zoe, Bailey and I are so thankful for everyone's well-wishes. As of Thursday night Zoe appears to be doing well. I spoke with my regular vet Thursday morning and she relayed some strange results regarding Zoe's thyroid function, but I don't think those will be the focus of our ongoing investigation - at least not right now. She also told me I could stop testing Zoe's urine for glucose (Huge Hurray!)

As of Thursday morning, our next step is to test her blood albumin levels next Thursday morning. If the albumin is low I'm sure Dr. Geyer will recommend either another glucose blood test and/or an abdominal ultrasound.

Zoe has been eating like a champ since Monday evening with no vomiting or abnormal stool. We had a minor scare Wednesday morning, which I've since come to believe was paranoia on my part. But seriously, after the episode Zoe had on Monday night, I can't imagine any pet owner not feeling an equivalent level of paranoia. Zoe is just so darn tiny that it's hard not to worry about any behavioral change.

I'm actually looking forward to going to work Friday morning (I haven't been in the office since Monday afternoon). I thought Zoe would be sick of me by now since I've been stalking her with urine collection containers, water bowls and lights in her eyes to check for responsiveness; but she is apparently just as obsessed with me as always. I, however, am completely ready for some human interaction and a little break from doggy drama.

If I come home Friday night to find her listless and stumbling I'll know I'm going to hell for sure, but I'm confident that she will be just fine for the time being - and I hope for the long run as well.

Zoe, Bailey and I wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween. Updates on Zoe will follow as I get definitive answers. Thanks again for the love!


Malena said...

First of all - the photo of her is so unbelievably cute!!!
Hope you have a nice day in the office and an uneventful evening and weekend, besides trick or treating! I am hoping for some peanut butter cups!

CBM said...

glad zoe girl is feeling much better. been thinking of you! xoxo-caro

carolinagirl said...

poor little zoe!!! hope you are all doing better!

Jane said...

PURE sweetness!!! OMG - snip nip or not - that dog is the cutest thing I've EVER seen. Fingers crossed for Thursday.