Friday, October 16, 2009

Dead like me

Anyone know anything about this show? Like it? Hate it?

I ask because one of my most looney acquaintances mentioned it to me a while back, so when I saw the complete series on sale at Costco yesterday for little more than I spend on dog food, I bought it.

Maybe it's that I'll very shortly finish Ghostgirl - who knows. Maybe I'm just in a Reaper mood. I always did like Beetlejuice!

The online reviews of Dead Like Me are highly favorable. In fact, the only negative review I found was written by someone who didn't realize the Dead Like Me movie was included in the complete series. Therefore, the buyer was just bitter about their own foolish double-purchase of the movie.

By the way, that could fuel a whole other blog post. ie. I don't understand people who write negative reviews for items that aren't based on the quality/content of the actual item. Such negative reviews should be reserved for the sellers of said items, or in the aforementioned case, the buyer who obviously didn't read the fine print. Yada yada.

I'm still knee-deep in Grey's Anatomy, thanks to my dear friend Jen who owns seasons 1-4. Since I've just started season 3 I'm not watching the current season, nor do I know if I'll want to, but I will follow through with the DVDs I can get on loan for free.

I'll start Dead Like Me soon after the GA marathon. If I like it, of course I'll blog about it favorably!


Jeni said...

I watched it on Netflix a couple of years ago. Eh. It was okay. It's a unique concept and funny at times. It's much better then, say, Prison Break or that prison show that was on HBO. I didn't finish it. I think I got through the first season and just stopped.

CBM said...

we agree with jeni. it is ok. trace, david said: 'well, it is not LOST...'