Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Forgetting high school

I SO do not miss high school, or middle school. I am certain that I met and was forced to interact with the meanest individuals I could ever deal with in my entire life when I was in the 7th grade. But I must admit that some of my favorite teachers were those assigned to my 7th grade education – especially my algebra teacher, Mrs. Martin, who adored my brother, and therefore allowed me into her good graces despite my lack of mathematical skills.

Thirteen-year-olds are most often inherently mean. The meanness is not necessarily intentional, but likely unavoidable.

While I’d hoped all of that could’ve been left behind before high school, it wasn’t. The cliques followed, the hatefulness followed, the complete lack of genuine friendships followed. The apparent inability to bond with my only sibling followed.

I could feel sorry for myself, but instead I’m reminded every day that I have been blessed with friends who love me for me – flaws flaring, bitchiness and ugliness for everyone to see – I have REAL friends.

While they know who they are, I can’t help but say out loud that I couldn’t live without Kerry. KB is my true North, and her daughter and Abby create my happiness. And yes, Felton adds to that, too. I love you Burleighs! You save my life every day just by being there. (Jen, too, couldn't live without you - no doubt).

Thank you for loving me, the friends I often think I don't deserve. I love you all every day of my life!

This post was inspired by a couple of episodes of Grey's Anatomy that were dripping with metaphorical messages that I just couldn't ignore. Yes, it's all stupid and just television, but the producers likely develop story lines based on experienced dramas, so taking notice is somewhat unavoidable.


samantha said...

I think all kids are the meanest in middle school. Definitely. Glad I met you when you were in grad school! xo

Kerry Burleigh said...

Glad I didn't go to your high school, or who knows where we would've ended up? And I agree, middle school is the absolute worst for girls. I am dreading those years for Sydney already. She'll just have to find someone like you to hang with! Going to the game tomorrow night? Go heels!