Saturday, October 17, 2009

Project in progress

The closet office is almost complete (thanks a TON to Jim, my fabulous guardian angel who does so much for me).

Only waiting on a few adornments - I am so pleased with my results. My life feels more organized already!

However, I'm not looking forward to hiring an electrician to provide convenient power with minimal extension cords, and sadly I feel certain that additional complications will arise. Anybody out there have an electrician on speed dial in the Durham area whom they really trust?

I've become torn about home ownership. I love the tax benefits, but I hate the fact that the health of my yard and weed population has been made a top priority. THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT THINGS IN LIFE.

I have neighbors who are complete NAZIS about dog poop - even when it's in MY yard. In my dreams, I punch those people, repeatedly in the face, especially since I poop scoop 4-6 times a week, and it is MY yard.

I really hate coming across as such a bitter hateful person, but what I hate more are the people who make me this way.

I have a new conviction - I will be a better person no matter what.


carolinagirl said...

yes, home ownership is fabulous BUT it has soooo many headaches. eventually you'll just be used to it, but in the beginning it can be stressful. hang in there.

Kerry Burleigh said...

what?! You are the best person already! stop it! we love you!
and, maybe it would be worth looking around at how much services charge to maintain your lawn. might not be so bad considering how tiny the area of grass you have is!