Monday, April 12, 2010

Elkhound love

I could've easily titled this post "brotherly love." For some it sounds ridiculous, but Bailey really is Abby's brother.

He was 4-years-old when they first met, a mere three months after her birth. She has truly grown up with him. He's always been a trusted "caregiver" and loving companion.

Ever gentle and patient, I wish every child could grow up with a dog like my Bailey.

On Saturday Abby kept asking Maria and I to take her photo with her canine "brother." As you can see in the last one, Emma got a little jealous.

1 comment:

TinyRockerGrrl said...

That first photo with his little tongue poking out is just adorable!! I swear he has the cutest doggie nose ever!!!

I can't believe how big Abby is!!