Thursday, April 22, 2010

A new and welcome heroine

Katniss Everdeen effortlessly kicks Bella Swan to the curb - with force. Imagine Bella minus the klutziness, the whining, the irritatingly false self-deprecating descriptions of herself. Then add extreme self-determination, a healthy dose of selfless pure love for others and a kick-ass fire and you've got Katniss.

Young adult, schmung adult. I LOVE this book, can't wait to read the second, and I'm not afraid to admit that I am beyond bitter that the final book isn't due out until August. I thought the series was done before I started reading - but no. Damn.

Suzanne Collins' writing puts Stephenie Meyer to shame. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy reading the Twilight Saga, but The Hunger Games is far more memorable; lighter (minus useless filler); and truer to the genre without being ridiculous.

I'm more than 2/3 through The Hunger Games and I have the second book, "Catching Fire" on my list at my local library.

Awesome fiction. Highly recommended.


Jane said...

I've heard great things about the first two books. One of my friends just finished Catching fire. She, too, is anxiously awaiting the release of Mockingjay!

Malena said...

I knew it! I knew you'd love it! The 2nd book is crazy awesome too! :)

I just finished the Maze Runner...add that one to your list too for the summer! xx