Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Zoe panic strikes again

When I got home last night and let Zoe out of her crate, she wouldn't walk. Upon going outside she proceeded to wildly rub her face and upper torso on the ground and driveway while struggling to get her footing. She couldn't hold her head up and when I picked her up she flailed around as if trying to right herself but she couldn't. She appeared to have no control of her limbs whatsoever.

I called my vet 5 minutes before closing and they agreed to wait for me (THANK YOU Park Vet).

I'm astonished that I didn't get a speeding ticket on my way to the vet. I'm even more astonished that I didn't have a car accident. Zoe spent the entire ride tossing haphazardly about in her crate, crashing face-forward into the door in an attempt to get herself upright. The vet assistant who took Zoe in did not have a promising look on her face once she laid eyes on my pathetic baby girl.

Dr. Geyer's initial recommendation was for me to immediately take Zoe to the emergency vet as she was dehydrated, she's down to 5.6 pounds (she was 7.3 lbs in March 2009) and she appeared to have had some kind of seizure.

After about 40 minutes at Dr. Geyer's office, she regained her ability to walk, however, the vet remains worried about the weight loss and disorientation. They took a full blood panel and I will get results this morning (Tuesday).

Tiny Zoe has been doing well since we got home (at the time of my writing this post at 1:08 am). I bought her some baby food on the way home from the vet as I knew she would suck it down without any difficulty. I wish I could get her to drink more water, but she's never been a big water-drinker.

Thus far I'm extremely thankful to have not had to make use of the rectal Valium syringes the vet gave me to use in the event that Zoe has another seizure. Let's hope she holds off from anything requiring their use.

Meanwhile, my 12-year-old Norwegian Elkhound, Bailey, is healthy as a horse. He's maintained his goal weight for more than 6 months.

Now if I could only keep them both healthy at the same time. Well wishes for Zoe are very much appreciated!


Jeni said...

God, seizures are so scary. I hope you get great news this morning about little Zoe. So sorry to hear about the scare, but thank goodness for after hour vets right?! Poor little gal :(

Malena said...

Poor baby and mama! I can only imagine how worried you must have been. Scary! Hope you get some answers soon, and that there is nothing major going on...xo

LA and BD said...

Eeek! Sorry to hear about Zoe's scare. Hope she is feeling better soon!

samantha said...

?!?!?! Excuse me?! Jeez! I wish you would've called me, but I'm sure you were in your "stress zone," as we lovingly called it when you were up here in the north. Keep me updated. I'm crossing fingers, arms and toes!