Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bailey's new ailment: masticatory muscle myositis

Say that three times fast.

My vet believes Bailey may have the"chronic" form of this tongue-twisting disease, due to the pronounced loss of his temporal muscle mass. I'd noticed the change in the shape of his head a few times, but hadn't really given it a lot of thought.

In the photos below, you can see the sunken appearance just in front of his ears where the muscle has wasted away. The black hair on the top of his head makes it really easy to see the degeneration in the second photo.

From what I've read, the disease isn't fatal, and is far more problematic for dogs who have the other tell-tale sign of MMM: loss of jaw function. Bailey shows no signs of pain when he yawns, eats, or otherwise opens his big mouth.

Bailey's senior blood panel ruled out Cushing's disease, so MMM is likely the cause of his now bonier head. Dr. Geyer said there are some further tests we could do to positively diagnose Bailey, but her recommendation was to do nothing. She said as long as he maintains normal jaw function I shouldn't worry about it. The good news is that all of the other levels tested by the blood panel were completely normal.

Nevertheless, we're going to experiment with some joint supplements and/or Rimadyl to see if that helps him get around a bit easier. The old guy is pretty slow and stiff in his old age. According to the Pedigree dog age calculator Bailey is approximately 77-years-old, so slowness and stiffness are expected!

And I still find him quite cute - even with his bony skull.


abby's mom said...

Abby just saw your post and said:
"BAILEY!! I love Bailey!!!" We all love Bailey and hope this is just a little bump and he continues to stay in good health!!

samantha said...

Shrinking skull disease! A friend of mine has a German Shepherd with this affliction. You shouldn't lose hope - I really don't think it will limit his quality of life. Hugs to Mr. Button!

Kerry Burleigh said...

Did even notice last time he was here. Just shows what a complacent, good dog to take care of he is! Glad his jaw isn't bothering him!

CBM said...

hope bailey boy hangs in there. he is one cute pup!

Anonymous said...

My friend has an Elkhound with the same problem, she would love it if you could please contact her. Her name and web address is Barbara Barganska
visit my website at:
Many thanks

Cabo said...

My Newfoundland might have this. Been searching the Internet like crazy to try and figure out what's going on with her head and eyes. Just really started to notice the "shrinking skull" the vet is more focused on her eyes. Any advice or tips. Thanks in advance.